
At the core of our team is the desire to make your business smarter and provide both immediate and long term value to your company.  At Code Mattock, our goal is to spend time doing things that will provide observable and measurable benefits to your company.  From a simple consultation to help find out why things are running slow to a long-term project to produce a new product for your company, we are here for you.  We have a company focus in the Atlanta area to try to keep our staff close to your location!


MS SQL Server Optimization / Troubleshooting

We have consultants available who are well versed in the Microsoft SQL Server database and have been working with it since its earliest versions.  Depending on your needs, you may wish us to focus on either optimizing your T-SQL statements or debugging entire server / stack issues.

In our experience, the most common SQL Server problems that companies experience are caused by one of two, related things: inefficient, non-optimized T-SQL and inefficient, non-optimized service-layer calls to T-SQL.  We are well versed in both the DB Engine tuning standpoint and reviewing how the application makes use of the DB to find where the problem lies and to help correct it.


IIS / ASP.Net Development Services

At Code Mattock, we understand exactly how important the .Net platform is to your business.  We have been around in the web domain since ASP.Net v1.0 came out, through web forms, MVC, and finally the pure dhtml / js framework frenzy.  We have consistently produced fast, stable, and usable web applications that will aid either your internal company via intranet development or your external customers via public facing web applications.

We understand that there are times that your company would like a public-facing slick web application available using the latest technologies and also times where you would like to keep costs low and take a different route.  We will work with you to determine what is the best course for your company and walk with you down that road.


Other Services

In addition to ASP.Net / MSSQL work, our company also offers some other services that you may find valuable.

  • Build Systems and Continuous Integration Environments (ANT/NANT and Jenkins/Hudson)
  • Custom .Net Service Development
  • WinForms C# Development
  • SQL Server Cluster Setup and Maintenance
  • Application Architecture Review